About Me

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On December 11, 2012 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Endometriosis. Prior to my diagnosis, I had never heard of Endometriosis. I had no idea what to expect of the life that was ahead of me, and I am still figuring out what that life is. All I can do is take it one day at a time. I am not an Endo expert; I can only speak from personal experiences. I will not presume to think that my life is so interesting that people want to read about it, but I feel like it is my responsibility to share my story and spread Endometriosis awareness. If I only reach one person, then this blog is worth it. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The beginning - Marrying Matt Baker

April 1, 2011 - This was the day that I married Matt Baker. I was so excited to start my life with him. He was and is the smartest, funniest, most patient and loving man I've ever known. I couldn't wait to begin my life with him and to be the best wife to my best man. Little did I know, I had a health condition that would hinder me from fulfilling my wifely duties and desires.
     Matt and I had never had sexual intercourse before we were married; not with each other or anyone else. We were looking forward to our wedding night with excited anticipation. However, we were unable to consummate our marriage that night. It wasn't a big deal. We were both tired and worn out from our wonderful wedding. I knew we'd have plenty of opportunities on our honeymoon to make up for lost time. We spent our honeymoon at a resort in the Dominican Republic. It was a beautiful resort that communicated, "You should be resting and having sex right now." With no lack of trying, Matt and I were unable to consummate our marriage until April 7, 2011, 6 days after we got married. We finally did it, but it was painful. Not knowing anything different, I just thought sex would be painful until I got used to it.
     The pain continued long after our honeymoon ended. I started to fear being alone with my husband, because I was scared to have sex with him. It got to the point that I would shy away from his touch and find excuses to not be intimate. Matt thought I hated him. He thought I regretted marrying him. Our first year of marriage was extremely difficult, but we got through it. Fortunately, there was a "light" at the end of the tunnel. We would soon find out that there was a legitimate reason/issue that would make sense of all the struggles we encountered in our first year as husband and wife. We were about to embark on a long, difficult journey, but we were facing it together.

Our wedding day. Location: The Newberry Opera House Photographer: Lucas Brown

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